This is a small selection of fused glass items produced in our studio, many of which you will find for sale in our shop.
We also welcome orders for items made to your own specifications and colours.
Fused Glass Bowl
Fused Glass Bowl
Glass Bowl - Dark Blue on Bone
Glass Bowl - Dark Blue on Bone
Draped Vase - Spectrum Spirit Glass
Draped Vase - Spectrum Spirit Glass
Frit Design Black Frit on White
Frit Design Black Frit on White
Fused Glass Strip Bowl
Fused Glass Strip Bowl
Stringer & Flat Glass Platter
Stringer & Flat Glass Platter
Reactive Glass Bowl
Reactive Glass Bowl
Fused Strip Platter
Fused Strip Platter
Basket Weave Plate
Basket Weave Plate
Vitrigraph Art Piece
Vitrigraph Art Piece
Fused Glass Bowl
Fused Glass Bowl
Combed Glass Pendant
Combed Glass Pendant
Fused Plate with Vitrigraph
Fused Plate with Vitrigraph
Glass Fragment Bowl
Glass Fragment Bowl
Draped Vase - Irridised Quarter Reed
Draped Vase - Irridised Quarter Reed
Fused Glass Bowl
Fused Glass Bowl
Fused Frit Bowl
Fused Frit Bowl
Reactive Glass Bowl
Reactive Glass Bowl
Combed Glass Jewellery
Combed Glass Jewellery
Combed Glass Jewellery
Combed Glass Jewellery
Glass Fragment Bowl
Glass Fragment Bowl
Strip Plate
Strip Plate